How to remove or reset Sony laptop bios password

Here is a simple way to remove your Sony Vaio forgotten bios password 4 x 4 / 16 digits. Just go to and generate your free bios unlock key.

So You forgot your Sony Vaio laptop bios password and have no access to operating system, if that whats happened then this following tutorial is perfect for you.

Or if you have way too much money then you can do some online search i find that there's many sites offering same service as but charging anything between 15-30 dollars and do be honest that's absolutely ridiculous.

Personally have not had many Sony's with bios passwords but when i did then i had to do some serious searching to find free service to unlock Sony Vaio bios and believe me there's not too many of them around.

If your Sony Vaio is older model and gives you 7 digit recovery key then this blog is not for you because bios password generator only works for newer models and recovery key looks like xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx

How to reset Sony Vaio 4 x 4 forgotten bios password for free:

  • Press power button to power on your laptop
  • Immediately start pressing F2 button on your laptop
  • Enter bios password box appears
  • Type in wrong password 3 times or just hit Enter until..
  • Enter Onetime Password box appears
  • Take a note of the Key: above the box
  • Go to and enter Key(xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx)
  • Press Send Request button
  • Few seconds later you will have your Onetime Password
  • Go back to your laptop with newly generated password
  • Enter password into Onetime Password field and press Enter

That's it your bios should be now reset and clear for all passwords. Just remember not to turn off your laptop until you generate password because there will be new Key generated every time laptop starts. If by any reason you turned off laptop then take a note of the new key and go back to BiosBug and generate new password. See video above how to remove password.

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