PQI Mini USB Fingerprint Reader isn't that good at all
Read this before buying PQI Mini USB Fingerprint Reader and you might save yourself some money.
Had few laptops in past with fingerprint readers and have to say that they worked pretty good, by good i mean i was always able to log on with first attempt.
So i went ahead and purchased PQI Mini USB Fingerprint Reader for Windows, this fingerprint reader/scanner works on all relevant versions of Windows and i thought if it will be at least as these built in scanners what i used before then i will be happy enough.
Did i need one? Answer is no.. but i thought it would be good idea and faster then typing windows 4 digit pin every time i log on.
Installation of this Biometric fingerprint reader was really straight forward, all you have to do is just insert into one of the USB ports of your device and it installs required software it self.
After you open up the program to setup your fingerprints, if im not wrong then you can set up all 10 fingers.. that's of course if you have all 10 :). So i setup two of my fingers and have to say that from very first moment i start setup process i noticed that it had some trouble recognizing fingers and i was getting messages to "Try Again" and so on. I did manage to successfully complete setup and i was hoping that this is it.
Testing PQI Mini USB Fingerprint Reader
I logged out of windows and to tried to log on using this fingerprint reader and very first attempt it could not recognize my fingers so i had log on with my 4-digit windows pin.
So i had another go and this time i was scanning my finger bit slower and it was success but i had to reposition my finger tip.
I thought this is not too bad and its working not always at first try but at least it's working.. until next log on when i couldn't position my finger properly and got message that "Finger print not recognized" and had to use my PIN again. For next 10 log on i had about 50% success rate and this really did it for me and i just can have any device at home what only works half the time... WOULD YOU?
For conclusion
I think this finger print scanner would work better if it had bigger area to place finger and probably needs to be bit faster as well.
This is not a device for someone who is used for things to be working properly.
Advertisement says that it recognizes finger print in 0.15 seconds which might be true but it's not repeatable and with success rate below 50% i will not recommend buying this device.
Amozon UK link here: PQI Mini USB Fingerprint Reader for Windows 7,8 & 10 Hello, My Lockey 360° Touch Speedy Matching Multi Biometric fido Security Key