4K Youtube video downloader / converter with youtube-dl
Simple app to download videos from Youtube in 4K and convert webm to mp4
Here is a simple but quite effective little application to download videos in 4K from Youtube. Actually this is not just a downloader but it also acts as a converter because most Youtube 4K videos are .webm files and are ok to watch locally in your pc but are useless when you try to import them to some video editing program etc.
To be honest this 4K Youtube Downloader was only made for myself because available similar applications only download 4K video if its in .MP4 and believe me there's not too many around. Most downloaders will download highest quality MP4's and they will be mostly 1080p witch is ok enough i suppose :).
How does it work:
To start of there's nothing fancy about this app, it's basically windows .bat file compiled into .exe file along with 4 other files.
In order for video downloader to work you will need to download and install Microsoft Visual C++ 2010 x86 Redistributable, will leave link at the bottom, if you don't have Microsoft Visual C++ 2010 x86 Redistributable installed then you will get "msvcr100.dll not found" error.
Windows will have to be installed in C: because program uses C: drive to work with files and will store all your downloaded videos in C:\Youtube Downloads folder also TEMP folder to convert files will be created in Youtube Downloads folder, TEMP folder will be deleted automatically after conversion.
All you have to do is open 4K Youtube Downloader and paste Youtube url of the video you planning to download and press enter, everything else is done by the program.
If video file happens to be in mp4 format then there will be no conversion required and program will open C:\Youtube Downloads folder with your downloaded file in it but if file is with .webm extension then program will progress to conversion of the video file to get fully usable mp4 file.
Converting .webm 4k file can be painfully slow, it all depends how much power you device has, i my case its not too bad. My PC has Intel Core i7-7700K 4.2 GHz Quad Core processor and in avarage to convert 4K file to mp4 takes 3-4 mins, that's assuming video is about 5 minutes long. See screenshot below of the speed its converting:
So if you downloading 20 minute video the spare some time:) and don't expect to be fast if you are using 5 year old laptop, did some testing on one of my laptops which has Intel 3rd generation i5 cpu and that was slow and by slow i mean slow! See screenshot below:
Do your own calculation how long it will take to convert 5 minute video and hardly you will need 4K video if your laptop screen is 15.6" and resolution 1366 x 768.
Files compiled into 4K Youtube Downloader.exe and size:
- youtube-dl.exe
- ffmpeg.exe
- ffplay.exe
- ffprobe.exe
YOUTUBE-DL.exe uses Microsoft Visual C++ 2010 x86 Redistributable to work. You can read more about youtube-dl here: https://rg3.github.io/youtube-dl/
FFMPEG.exe is used for video conversion and not limited only for video but also can convert music files. Read more about ffmpeg here: https://www.ffmpeg.org/
FFPLAY.exe FFplay is a very simple and portable media player using the FFmpeg libraries and the SDL library. Read more here: https://ffmpeg.org/ffplay.html
FFPROBE.exe gathers information from multimedia streams and prints it in human- and machine-readable fashion. Read more here: https://ffmpeg.org/ffprobe.html
File size of the 4K Youtube Downlader.exe is 72.9MB and when executed it will extraxt 4 above files in total of 200MB. Its pretty big for small app but size is determined by the 64-bit structure and all libraries are latest editions.
Remember now i put this file together for myself and its not guaranteed to work flawlessly also forgot to mention earlier that downloader will work with many other video sites and will download pretty much any quality video(highest available).
Download 4K Youtube Downloader
Download Microsoft Visual C++ 2010 x86 Redistributable
Can you tell me why this video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SHmOpFbFgrM is not downloadable with 4kyoutubedownloader? it tells to update youtube-dl but since is build in i dunno how to do it